The Abyssinian's STORY

Last secret kingdom of the world...
a land of mystery and fierce beauty. Archeologically proven to be the origin of mankind. A great Ark that has for centuries sheltered a variety of societies.
From sophisticated cultures of the Christian majestic mountains and highlands and the spectacular rift valleys down to the Islamic walled city, Harer, in the East region.
A true mirocosm of africa...
and a time capsule in which we can see many of the stages of the development of modern culture.
A land of thousand-year-old rock-hewn churches in Lalibela. The city of Gon- dor with its treasured houses of Christian art and the castles of the ancient kingdom.
To the south, Keffa, the birthplace of coffee. To the North, Axsum, the city of the Queen of Sheba, and the last resting place of the Ark of the Covenant.

we have been located in Memphis, Tennessee. However, our love for the Ethiopian dish started way back in 1997 when we were young and adventurous in a small town called Jimma.
Dining in Ethiopia is characterized by the ritual of breaking injera and eating from the same plate, signifying the bonds of loyalty and friendship.
Ethiopian dishes are also characterized by the variety of spices used to give them their exotic taste. This is what we want to build in our restaurant, and we welcome you with open arms to try out our exotic dishes.